2025 USA Ahmadi Muslim Scientists (AAMS/AWSA) Webinar Series Schedule

Shortened webinar link for all sessions is: https://ahmadiyya.zoom.us/j/96413662895?pwd=ECDxqMKZeH4hIwiMa4FvJeJyzkkngJ.1

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Newsletter issue summarizing Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) remarks during a Mulaqat with the USA Ahmadi Muslim Scientists.

become a member and annual dues

Two step membership. To become a member of AWSA-USA [women’s] or AAMS-USA [men’s], every year you need to (1) fill out the brief registration form below and (2) pay your annual dues on the Jamaat chanda portal linked here under subscriptions.  The link is also listed at the end of the registration form. The fiscal year starts July 1st.

To be eligible for membership, you need to be:

(1) A member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA

(2) Have an interest in science and technology. Think broadly of any discipline of scholarship that can utilize the scientific method to acquire new knowledge or answer relevant questions; includes STEM, computer science, AI, economics, social sciences, innovative technologies, medicine, pharmaceuticals.

Who should become a member of AAMS or AWSA? We are broadly inclusive, and want you to join if you are a student of the sciences, faculty, industry scientist, inventor, an entrepreneur of science, administrator, or simply an advocate for science. Although AWSA and AAMS are independent Associations, we are close partners, and many projects are jointly sponsored, including the USA Annual Quran and Science Symposium. We also strive to partner with Taleem (e.g., Salam Initiative), other professional associations (e.g., MSLM series), and work integrally under the instructions of Jamaat Ahmadiyya and Khilafate Ahmadiyya.

The benefits of membership are (1) networking among US and international Ahmadi Muslim Scientists, (2) participating in the governance of the Associations, and (3) being integral to achieving at least 100 Abdus Salams and the mission of the two Associations to lead the next Islamic Golden Age of science and technology.

The annual dues are $25 for students and non-working members and $100 for working members. Payments are made on the Jamaat chanda portal linked here under subscriptions.

We also welcome donations to drive the mission of AWSA-USA and AAMS-USA. You can donate on the Jamaat chanda portal at the home page [Go to '+ Pick other chanda' and then dropdown to either 'Ahmadi Muslim Scientists' or 'Ahmadiyya Women Scientist Association.'].

Even if you are not eligible to become a member (e.g., because you are not a member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA), we still welcome your participation as a patron, by contacting us here. You will still receive eBlasts and can participate in open events and forums.

The three USA Ahmadi Professional Associations, the Association of Ahmadi Muslim Scientists (AAMS) USA

and the

Ahmadi Women Scientist Association (AWSA) USA

and the

Ahmadiyya Muslim Medical Association (AMMA) USA

hosted the

10th Annual USA Quran and Science Symposium at #MSLM23 (Medicine, Science, Learning, Innovation, and Mentorship Conference)

In Orlando, Florida, July 2-3, 2023 (for AWSA and AAMS) or July 1-3, 2023 (for AMMA).

#MSLM23 Promotional Video here

View #MSLM23 Session Videos Here

The Association of Ahmadi Muslim Scientists (AAMS) USA

and the

Ahmadi Women Scientist Association (AWSA) USA

held the

9th Annual USA Quran & Science Symposium (QSS)

Bait-ur-Rahman Mosque, Silver Spring, MD — Saturday, January 21st, 2023

2021 Virtual Qur’an and Science Symposium Series

Missed it, or want to view the slides and videos again? Click on the links below for each series.


“Consider it your mission to pursue excellence within your chosen field” -Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V (aba), Address on December 14th, 2019.

2020 Quran and Science Pictures

Photography by Mansoor Ahmad

Quran & Science Symposia

AAMS USA hosts annual symposia, bringing together Ahmadi scientists, the broader community, and friends alike. Symposia feature talks from Ahmadi scientists at top universities and institutions who discuss their own work and share cutting edge advances across diverse fields of science and technology. Symposia presenters shed light on the bridge between God and science in the context of their own research.


About Us

The Association of Ahmadi Muslim Scientists USA (AAMS USA) is the men’s professional scientific society of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (AMC) USA.

Our mission is to lead the next Islamic Golden Age of science and technology.

Our vision is to stimulate, keeping in view the Oneness of God and through the study of the Holy Quran, and guidance from Khilafat e Ahmadiyya, major breakthroughs among Ahmadi Muslim Scientists that lead to the emergence of preeminence in science and to attain within a short time a robust pipeline of outstanding global scientists who will lead centuries of progress in the next Islam Golden Age of science.

The central, unified website of the worldwide AMC is at www.alislam.org. The AMC is headed by his Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the Fifth Successor (or Khalifa) to the Promised Messiah. His Holiness has encouraged young Ahmadi Muslims to pursue careers in scientific research and to particularly excel through guidance from the Holy Quran, stating that the Nobel Prize should become for us a “minimum target.” For more information about the operations of our organization, please refer to our official Constitution.

Ahmadi women scientists run an independent professional society called the Ahmadi Women Scientist Association.

Read more about AAMS and AWSA’s history here

Abdus Salam Science Fairs

The Abdus Salam Science fair is open to all Ahmadi students. The fair provides a unique opportunity to the budding Ahmadi scientists and science enthusiasts to prove that we are keeping the Islamic tradition of learning and science alive and are striving to produce many Abdus Salams in the future.The fair is also a means to pay homage to Dr. Abdus Salam who proved that Islam and Science can not only co-exist but also compliment each other. 

We welcome you to come with a poster or project for the Abdus Salam Science Fair.

Click here for further details on submitting a poster or project.

Register for the science fair using the main Quran and Science Symposium registration link below.

Islam and Science

Get a glance into the history between islam and science

2019 UNESCO Speech of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) about the First Golden of Islam in science and technology