Virtual Series #1: The Race to the Vaccine
held on: February 27, 2021 2:00-4:00 PM Est
Interactive Program, with slides & videos
“Indeed those who strive to advance human knowledge for the benefit of humanity will reap the rewards of Allah the Almighty for their efforts”
- Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba)
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST
Moderator: Fizan Abdullah, MD, PhD
Recitation of the Holy Quran (36:81-84) | video | Muneeb Sharif BS (Candidate) |
Introduction to the QSS, and Test Your Knowledge Poll | slides |
A 15-Minute Primer on the Pandemic | slides | | video | Sohail Z Husain, MD | Professor of Pediatrics at Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, and President of the Association of Ahmadi Muslim Scientists (AAMS) USA
Keynote: Race to the Vaccine [30 min] | slides | | video | Nusrat M Sharif, PhD | Senior Principal Scientist at Pfizer, and President of the Ahmadi Women Scientist Association (AWSA) USA
A 5-Minute Guide to the Structure of the Spike Protein | slides | video | Mohiuddin Ovee, PhD | Structural Biologist
Interactive What Knowledge Did You Gain Poll | slides |
Short Video on Leading the Next Golden Age [6 min], from His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Head of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
Panel Discussion [30 min]
4:00 PM EST: post-meeting Interactive Breakouts
for those who wish to informally network with the presenters and moderator; on zoom links that will be provided at the close of the panel discussion; see themes below:
Theme: Should I pursue an MD/PhD program? Physician-Scientist careers
Breakout with Fizan Abdullah, MD, PhD
Theme: Academic science careers
Breakout with Sohail Husain, MD
Theme: Industry science careers
Breakout with Nusrat Sharif, PhD
Theme: Training in fundamental science
Breakout with Mohiuddin Ovee, PhD
Event co-hosted by the Ahmadi Women Scientist Association (AWSA) USA and the Association of Ahmadi Muslim Scientists (AAMS) USA